Thursday, January 22, 2015

Marijuana Editorial Cartoon

To summarize, this editorial cartoon is stating that it is costing us so much money putting these individuals in the “joint” meaning prison, just because they smoked a “joint.” The satire is in the statement  “which joint is a bigger drag on the system.” The satire being that a marijuana “joint” is not as big of a burden on the united state’s court system as the $9 billion price tag of locking marijuana offenders in the “joint”, meaning prison. This is effective in showing the viewer that putting these minor offenders in prison is costing the public $9 billion a year, however it is not effective in stating all the benefits if marijuana was legalized and this $9 billion a year not being spent. Overall, this is a very effective editorial cartoon on the legalization of marijuana.

Works Cited

"Decriminalize Marijuana." Cagle Post RSS. N.p., 08 June 2012. Web. 07 Jan. 2015.

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